This image is a screen capture from a cartoon/anime/motion picture/TV commercial/video game, the copyright for which is owned by the production company who produced/owned the image. It is believed that low resolution images or small excerpts may be used on TFWiki.net: The Transformers Wiki under the fair use provision of United States copyright law. See Copyrights.
To the uploader: Please see if there isn't a customized template available. For cartoons, see cartoon screen capture templates. For online cartoon, see online cartoon screen capture templates. For movies, see movie screen capture templates. And for video games, see video game screen capture templates. Please use {{screencap}} only for screen captures which can not be marked with a template available in any of the above categories. Please also include the name and date of the episode, the film, or the commercial when known.
To insert this template into an image description, use the following syntax:
It can accept two optional parameters to identify the source of the image, and the copyright holder. The syntax for this is: